The CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, Florida, United States of America (USA) has published the updated and expanded revision of ‘Linux: The Textbook’ by Professor Dr Sysed Mansoor Sarwar, Principal of the Punjab University College of IT (PUCIT).
It is the second edition of one of the bestselling textbooks on Linux operating system by Professor Sarwar. Including all editions, this is his sixth book that has been published in the USA by world’s top publishers. The first edition of this book, ‘Linux: The Textbook’, the first two editions of ‘UNIX: The Textbook’, and ‘UNIX & Linux Programming Tools’ were published by Addison-Wesley, a subsidiary of Pearson Education, Boston, USA, the top publisher in the world. CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, Florida, USA published the second edition of ‘UNIX: The Textbook’, in October 2016.
UNIX operating system was developed at Bell Labs, USA, in 1969 and Linux was developed at the University of Helsinki, Finland, in 1991. These operating systems are critical in the operation of the internet because most of the servers run on computers that use UNIX and Linux.
Professor Sarwar’s books have been used as textbooks in over 200 American colleges and universities, including University of Texas at Austin, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Syracuse University, University of Arizona, Stevens Tech, and University of California at Santa Barbara. The US Navy also uses ‘UNIX: The Textbook’ in its training courses. His books are also being taught in several other countries, including Canada, UK, and Australia. The Chinese and Spanish translations of his books are being used in many academic institutions in China, Hong Kong, Spain, and Mexico. More than 50,000 copies of his books have been sold throughout the world. CRC Press/Taylor & Francis is a subsidiary of Informa, one of the top-25 publishers in the world. Professor Sarwar is the only resident Pakistani academic whose textbooks have been published in the USA by world’s top publishers. All of his books are available on
Published in Daily Times, September 7th 2018.