Prime Minister Imran Khan on Saturday instructed Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar to set up tents and provide food for the homeless owing to the approaching cold weather.
“I have asked CM Buzdar to set up tents for people sleeping on footpaths and provide them food until the panah gahs (shelters) are built, as the weather is turning increasingly cold,” the prime minister Tweeted. He added that spots are also being located in Peshawar as well as in Karachi.
Earlier this month, the premier broke ground for the establishment of a Panah Gah project for the down-and-out segments of the society after pictures of a man sleeping with his children on the streets of Lahore went viral.
“Today, I laid the foundation for first of five shelters for the homeless in Lahore and one in Rawalpindi to be followed by shelters in other cities. We are committed to building a social net for our poor citizens so everyone has a shelter over his/her head and access to health and education,” PM Imran Khan had posted.
Published in Daily Times, November 25th 2018.