Balochistan Chief Minister Jam Kamal Khan on Saturday said that youth and children were the bright future of Pakistan and there was a need to make the future generations aware of the historic struggle for the country and about its goals.
He expressed these views while addressing a flag hosting ceremony to mark the Independence Day celebrations at Sabzazar of Balochistan Assembly.
Speaker Balochistan Assembly Mir Abdul Quddus Bizenjo, provincial ministers, Members of Provincial Assembly and high officials were also present on the occasion.
The Chief Minister Balochistan said, freedom is great blessing of God and we should respect the value of the freedom as the importance of value can only be felt when somebody is deprived of a blessing and now there is an atmosphere of civil war in the neighboring country where the citizens have been deprived of the value of freedom.
He said that we could not be acquitted of negligence in all our duties while today was the day of commitment not to repeat the mistakes of the past saying everyone would try individually to play their role for betterment of the country.
He said the purpose of celebration of Independence Day was to pledge for betterment of the country because our forefathers had made great sacrifices for this day.
The nation should have collective spirit of helping each other, he said and added that the people of Kashmir, Afghanistan and Palestine were aspiring to hear the word of freedom.
He said that the Indian atrocities in Occupied Kashmir had broken all the records which was a big question mark for the so called civilized nations of the world.
The Chief Minister Balochistan said that stability of the economy was of out most importance for the country which could be achieved through collective resolve and commitment. He said that he greeted those who sacrificed their lives for the country and added, Pakistan is our identity and every citizen has to do his part for its development. He also congratulated the nation on the 75the Independence Day.