A raid party of Sindh Wildlife Department (SWD) raided a home in Karachi’s Gulstan-e-Johar area, Block 17 on Thursday and seized a pelican bird kept by the owner illegally.
According to SWD conservator Javed Mahar, SWD team on the tip off raided the house, where no family was living except a guard, seized the bird and is trying to find the owner of the house. “We shall also register First Offense Report (FOR) on Friday,” official apprised Daily Times. He said that SWD has started crackdown against illegal poaching of migratory birds throughout Sindh.
Every year during winter, millions of wild birds from Russia, Siberia and other Central Asian states migrate to warmer regions like Pakistan in order to shun the perils of extreme cold in those countries. The Indus fly-zone-due to centuries old rich ecosystems of water bodies, lagoons and wetland along River Indus in Pakistan- is considered as a middle-Asian flying route for these migratory birds.
When these migratory birds reach to the plains of Pakistan, some people illegally poach these birds.
Published in Daily Times, January 25th 2019.